5th OLIS Laboratory Deployment

5th OLIS Laboratory Deployment

MDI Solutions has been contracted to develop a laboratory interface between the Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital’s (OSMH) Meditech HIS in Orillia and the Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS); using their integration engine, MD Link™.


OSMH currently utilizes a third-party interface engine but needed specific and unique functionality to adhere to OLIS’ bi-directional Laboratory Results specification.  The interface required a query/retrieve transport to be set up via web services; to support integration between the Laboratory program at OSMH and OLIS.  A modification had already been made ‘on-the-fly’ to MD Link, which allowed it to comply with the non-standard requirement that the HL7 message packet contain the SSL encryption key and be embedded in XML.  The MDI interface team is set to begin implementation straight away and is well equipped to provide this integration to other Ontario hospitals and clinics.


The Orillia Soldier’s Memorial Hospital, http://www.osmh.on.ca, is a community healthcare facility located in the heart of Ontario’s lake country; providing regional programs as well as surgical and medical services to the residents of Simcoe County and Muskoka.  The Hospital (OSMH) is a progressive, 230-bed community hospital.  Their 300 physicians, 1,200 staff, and 400-plus volunteers, make OSMH the centre of community healthcare for residents of North Simcoe Muskoka.